Daytons Bluff Community Council will be off and close for Thanksgiving and the day after.

We give thanks to those whom we work with, our co-workers at the East Side Enterprise Building. Working together we make things happen. Helping others, get their GED, classes to learn how to start their own business. The Latino Economic Development Center , we thank you. Helping people open or keep their businesses going the African Economic Development Solutions, we thank you. We thank the Twin Cities Mobile Market that goes to places where people need food. TCMM you feed the hungry. We thank those who work with Shared Ground, who help the small farmers bring their product to market. Thank you small farmers who feed America. We thank Lower Phalen Creek Project who help protect our history and parks in the Dayton’s Bluff area. We thank WEQY 104.7 FM radio station for, keeping us informed with what is going on in the neighborhood and playing some of the smoothest music around. We also thank our many partners that are in our building; whether they are hold classes here or meetings. Everyone contributes, you make our neighborhood a better place. Thank you from the staff at DBCC.