Where can you walk? Who can walk? How can you find a walking partner or group? Do you want to talk to someone about where to walk? Come walk with us.
- Historic Dayton’s Bluff Driving/Walking Tour
- Third Street Walking Tour
- Upper Swede Hollow Walking Tour
- Historic Hamms Brewery Neighborhood Tour Located near Minnehaha between Payne and Arcade Avenues.
- Historic Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Tour Located in the neighborhood of East 7th St. and the Swede Hollow Park.
- Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary Located below the bluff and accessible from the Commercial and Fourth Street parking lot. The Bruce Vento Regional Trail connects the Sanctuary and Lake Phalen.
- Indian Mounds Regional Park Located along Mounds Blvd.
- Phalen Arcade Park Located of off Phalen Blvd and Arcade.
- Lower Landmark Park aka “Banana Park” Parking off of Jackson and Warner Road.
- Swede Hollow Park
- The Sam Morgan Trail Located along the Mississippi’s waterfront.
- Bruce Vento Regional Trail
Neighborhood Parks and Gardens
- Gardens on East 7th Near Bates Street Gauger Community Garden and Bonnie Luke Memorial Community Garden.
- Swede Hollow Café Kitchen Garden Located at 721 E. 7th Hamm Mansion Garden and Highland High School Garden.
- Maria Bates Rain Gardens Created by the Lower Phalen Creek Project/Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhood Association next to the Swede Hollow Café.
- Dayton’s Bluff Children’s Garden Located at 310 Maria Ave.
- Rain Garden on the Grounds of Dayton’s Bluff Elementary School
- Preble Street Garden Located at the edge of Swede Hollow Park. The gardens have generated widespread recognition as model projects and the Maria-Bates garden was featured in the spring 2004 issue the American Gardener magazine.
- Rain Garden on Bates and Hudson Road
- Mounds Park Community Garden Located at 213 Earl Street.
- Rain Garden on Maria Street
Other Places of Interest
- Carver’s Cave A sacred place in the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary. Please respect it.
- The Indian Mounds in their namesake park.
- Sculptures found in Indian Mounds Park (“The Sacred Dish” and “The Usamacinta RiverMeets the Mississippi” also known as “The Wave.” The latter sculpture has been temporarily removed for repairs.
- 3rd St. and Bates Art Object What have you found?
- The stone wall found near Wells and Wadena streets.
Indoor Walking Areas
- Dayton’s Bluff Recreation Center Call 651-793-3885 for more information.
- Metropolitan State University Register your group with us or call 651-772-2075 for more information.
Start Your Own Walking Group!
Invite neighbors to join you! Organizing a neighborhood Walking Group is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors. You could also organize a group through your church congregation or any other community organization. It’s amazing how one’s neighborhood sounds more alive on foot than in a car. Also, if you have suggestions for tours and walks not listed here, please feel free to contact us.
“Creating a sense of place and a place that makes sense.”