To help customers increase energy savings and comfort throughout the year, Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy offer Home Energy Squad. The service starts with a no-cost virtual consultation by phone or video chat. Before the Squad even arrives at your home, you will be able to discuss specific details about your home with an energy expert. This helps to minimize time in your home and hone in on what matters most to you in terms of comfort and savings.

The in-person portion of the visit includes an insulation inspection, recommendations for increased efficiency and comfort, as well as the installation of energy-saving products such as LED bulbs, door weather-stripping, faucet aerators and a programmable or smart thermostat.

The Home Energy Squad is provided by Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy and delivered by Center for Energy and Environment, a local nonprofit. The service is available to owners and renters in buildings with 1-4 units. Normally there is a charge of $100 but it is being offered free to the first 100 Saint Paul residents who sign up. Don’t wait to claim your Home Energy Squad visit. Sign up online or call 651-328-6220 today!