Dayton’s Bluff Community Council Board of Directors Meeting
Date/Time: Monday April 18, 6:00-8:30pm
Location: Eastside Enterprise Center – 804 Margaret Street
Learning Session: 6:30 – 7:00 PM
Board Session
Board members present: Tong Thao, Quintin Koger Kidd, Jeanelle Foster, Laura Kidd, Holly Windingstad, Jessica Johnson, Jacob Lambert, Rafael Espinoza, Breann Tierschel
Board members w/ excused absence: Tabitha Benci Derango, Henry Garnica, Pa Chua Vang, Osman Egal, Chris Lollie, Todd Gramenz
Board Members absent: Shannon Prescott, Rob Sebo Lubke, Elizabeth Matakis
1. Introductions & Call to Order- Tong Thao 7:05pm
a. Approval Of Minutes- 3/21/16
b. Approval Of Agenda
Unable to approve minutes, no quorum at the moment
2. Staff Updates
a. Deanna – McKnight foundation is funding a partnership project with DBCC, Lutheran Social Services, HAFA, LEDC, Urban Roots, and Metro… to work collaboratively to support workforce development and youth entrepreneurship in bi-weekly meetings.
b. Brenda – Loan Readiness Program & Business Outreach, a $500,000 grant to work with ESEC partners.
c. Nicole – left a communications report and will gladly speak to any board members if they have any questions.
d. Dezmond – Working on Better Bus Stops grant, doing surveys, listening sessions, and possibly videos.
Quorum is reached, Jeanelle moves to approve minutes, Quintin seconds, motion passed. Holly moves to approve agenda, Jeanelle seconds, and motion passed.
3. Committee Updates
a. Executive Committee – still working on the evaluation process for Deanna.
b. Finance Committee – Review P&L for DBCC and Radio, drafted community fund application, begin drafting fiscal policy. An auditor set up to talk about the scope of audit and fee.
c. Neighborhood Development – Vacant Home Tour, great turn out. Close to 400 signed waivers and good press coverage from MPR and Channel 5.
d. Sports Committee – Issue was raised about equitable investments in Saint Paul parks and recs. More affluent areas are getting more money to have programming while we are left out.
i. Rafael motions to approve Sports Committee to use all of the $2000 dedicated to Community Fund to open rec centers on Sundays for 4 hours until the fund is depleted or the issue is resolved.
1. Seconded by Laura
ii. Motion fails with 7-no and 2-yes,
iii. Rafael requested the following statement from him to be shown in the minutes: “We keep talking about making the neighborhood better but yet we don’t support initiatives to do so. This is the second time the Dayton’s Bluff Community Council has voted no to support youth soccer programing in the neighborhood”
4. First Quarter Financial Report
a. Deanna reviewed line items and talked about quarterly revenue and expenses and how finances are done when brought in.
5. Old Business
a. Board Conduct – Jeanelle talked about the ways we should be treating each other as fellow board members and community members, especially highlighting the racial attacks some board members have received.
i. Jeanelle motions to create ad-hoc committee to work on Board Governance Handbook with members Quintin, Holly, Jeanelle, and Tong. Quintin seconds, motion passes.
b. Policy Training Plan – Deanna is applying for the Management Improvement Fund from the St. Paul Foundation and is awaiting a reply.
6. New Business
a. Committee Membership Recruitment
i. Elizabeth was not present to discuss this
b. Need for racial equity training
i. Not enough time needed to discuss this.
7. Announcements
8. Adjourn – 9:02pm